Musicbed Newsletters & With Emails



Every month, Musicbed sends out newsletters and many promotional emails, introducing new artists' music, blog articles, and upcoming events. When I joined Musicbed, they were planning to make new email designs that were fully responsive. It was my task to figure out how email-making tools work and make responsive emails.

My Role

For a whole month, I dived into the program called "Responsive Email Design (aka. RED)" to figure out how to design and build responsive emails.


Playing with the Responsive Email Design program, I quickly learned what I could do and couldn't do. There were limitations on what I could do as it was not a tool for "coding" emails from scratch. Within those limitations, I learned how to go around certain things to make the content look the way I wanted it to look like. The program also had many bugs that resulted in unexpected issues, but I found out a way to fix those errors, and build a know-how guide on how to use the program. In certain situations, I used the program's help desk numerous times to figure things out.


After practicing and experimenting with the email building program, the rewarding time finally arrived.  I learned how to manage the program and became comfortable using it on a daily basis. I had a list of tricks on how to fix unexpected issues in the emails. For a year, I owned the monthly newsletters project and polished subsequent emails based on my newly found program expertise. I learned that it was necessary to think about how the emails would look like on different platforms. This email building experience lightened my path to the UX/UI design field.

Emails for With

Colorful systematic email designs for With. These email designs set the illustration style for the "Welcome to With" signup process designs. The emails below are part of the "Welcome Email" series.